Watching a Ride
With the basic Guardian Horse version, emergency contacts can watch your ride remotely on the Guardian Horse HelpMe Board while you are on the move with your horse and our app. This rider safety mechanism can be used free of charge and without additional accessories.

How It Works
In the following, we describe the basic steps required to setup and apply the basic Guardian Horse scenario for surveilling ride outs.
// 01
[Setup] The rider downloads the Guardian Horse app and creates a Guardian Horse account.
// 02
[Setup] The rider adds emergency contact information (name and phone number).
// 03
[Setup] The rider shares his personal HelpMe Board URL and PIN with his emergency contacts.
// 04
Before riding out, the rider starts a ride in the app and informs his/her emergency contacts about the upcoming ride.
// 05
The emergency contacts either regularly check the position of the rider on the HelpMe Board or only if the rider does not return in the expected time.
// 06
If all went well, the rider deactivates the ride in the app when he/she arrives at the stable. But, if the rider falls from the horse and remains unconscious, the scenario could go on as follows.
// 07
After their next check of the HelpMe board, the emergency contacts realize that the rider is motionless. They try to call him/her but he/she does not respond. Hence, the emergency contacts start the rescue measures using the information on the HelpMe Board (e.g., the last known location coordinates).
Additional Safety Measures
While the safety mechanism above is already much better than going on a ride without any emergency plan, it has some considerable drawbacks, that we compensate with the following safety measures for horse riders:
[Accident Detection] It is not very comfortable for emergency contacts to proactively check the riders position. Moreover, emergency contacts might forget to check regularly if the rider is still in motion. And even if they check regularly or when the rider does not return home in the expected time, one might lose valuable time in case of an emergency - where every minute could save a live. This is why we designed an automated emergency detection mechanism based on our Guardian Horse Accident Tracker. Learn more ...
[First-Aiders Support] If the rider has blessing in disguise, he/she might be found by a person that is passing by at the scene of accident. We asked ourselves how we could support this first-aiders in the best way? And how can we connect them as quickly and easily with the personal emergency contacts of the casualty? Therefore, we came up with our Guardian Horse HelpMe Badges. The Badges are visibly attached to the rider (e.g. the helmet) and contain a QR-Code as well as an ID to access the HelpMe Board of the rider and thus, potentially important emergency information and the phone numbers of the riders personal emergency contacts. Learn more ...
Your Digital Emergency Control Center
Every registered Guardian Horse app user gets his own personal emergency website - the Guardian Horse HelpMe Board. This board is a central component in all the horse riding safety mechanisms supported by Guardian Horse.
[Guardian Horse HelpMe Board] Depending on the applied safety mechanisms, first-aiders at the scene of accident or emergency doctors on site can have quick and easy access to emergency data and can coordinate the rescue mission with emergency contacts at home or at the riding stable. Learn more ...