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First-Aider Support

When you fall off a horse and you are not able to move yourself, you might have the luck that someone passes by the scene of accident and acts as a first-aider. With our Guardian Horse HelpMe Badges, we want to ensure that in such a scenario these first-aiders have the best possible information at hand to help you and your horse as quickly and as good as possible.


How It Works

In the following, we describe the steps required to extend the basic Guardian Horse scenario for surveilling ride outs with a HelpMe Badge to support first-aiders in a potential emergency scenario.

// 01

[Setup] The rider gets a Guardian Horse HelpMe Badge or a compatible Partner HelpMe Badge such as the USG HelpMe Badges.

// 02

[Setup] The rider connects the Badge ID with his/her Guardian Horse account using the Guardian Horse app.

// 03

[Setup] The rider attaches the badge to his helmet, vest, jacket, wristband or anywhere else on the body where it is clearly visible. 

// 04

Before riding out, the rider starts a ride in the Guardian Horse rider app and thus, activates his/her Guardian Horse HelpMe Board.

// 05

If all went well, the rider deactivates the ride in the app when he/she arrives at the stable. But, if the rider falls from the horse and remains unconscious, the scenario could go on as follows.

// 06

A person passes by the scene of accident and finds the rider lying motionless on the forest ground. This person, the first-aider, notices the HelpMe Badge on the helmet of the injured horse rider and scans the QR-Code on the badge with his/her own smartphone.

// 07

The first-aider reads the PIN on the back of the HelpMe Badge and enters this PIN on the login page of the riders HelpMe Board which opened in the browser of the first-aider's smartphone. 

// 08

The first-aider uses the information on the HelpMe Board (e.g., the location coordinates, the medical information, the phone number of the riders emergency contacts or the logbook information) to start or enhance the rescue measures. Also the later on arriving emergency doctor can scan the badge code and use the information on the board.

Additional Safety Measures  

The scenario described above relies on the case that other people frequently use the same route or route sections. However, in many ride out scenarios, horse riders are quite alone in the area where they enjoy the time with their horse. For that reason, we strongly recommend to also apply at least one of the two additional safety measures introduced below.


[Accident Detection] We developed a ride accident detection mechanism based on our Guardian Horse Accident Tracker, that automatically sends an SMS to the riders emergency contacts in case of a serious fall. With such an automated alert mechanism, the probability is significantly lower that one might lose valuable time in case of an emergency - where every minute could save a live. Learn more ...


[Watch Ride Remotely]  For this basic safety mechanism the rider needs nothing but a free Guardian Horse app account. Before starting a ride, the rider informs his emergency contacts about the upcoming tour. Then, the emergency contacts can surveil the ride on the Guardian Horse HelpMe board of the horse rider and send a first-aider to the scene of accident in case of emergency. Learn more  ...

Your Digital Emergency Control Center

Every registered Guardian Horse app user gets his own personal emergency website - the Guardian Horse HelpMe Board. This board is a central component in all the horse riding safety mechanisms supported by Guardian Horse.


[Guardian Horse HelpMe Board] Depending on the applied safety mechanisms, first-aiders at the scene of accident or emergency doctors on site can have quick and easy access to emergency data and can coordinate the rescue mission with emergency contacts at home or at the riding stable. Learn more ...

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